Excerpt from Every Tongue Got to Confess
Why God Made Adam Last
God wuz through makin' de Ian' an' de sea an' de birds an' de animals an' de fishes an' de trees befo' He made man. He wuz intendin' tuh make ‘im all along, but He put it off tuh de last cause if He had uh made Adam fust an’ let him see Him makin' all dese other things, when Eve wuz made Adam would of stood round braggin' tuh her. He would of said: “Eve, do you see dat ole stripe-ed tagger (tiger) over dere? Ah made. See dat ole narrow geraffe (giraffe) over dere? Ah made ‘im too. See dat big ole tree over dere? Ah made dat jus’ so you could set under it.”
God knowed all dat, so He jus' waited till everything wuz finished before he made man, cause He knows man will lie and brag on hisself tuh uh woman. Man ain’t found out yet how things wuz made—he ain’t meant tuh know.
—James Presley.
When God first put folks on earth there wasn’t no difference between men and women. They was all alike. They did de same work and everything. De man got tired uh fussin ‘bout who gointer do this and who gointer do that.
So he went up tuh God and ast him tuh give him power over de woman so dat he could rule her and stop all dat arguin’.
He ast Him tuh give him a lil mo' strength and he’d do de heavy work and let de woman jus' take orders from him whut to do. He tole Him he wouldn’t mind doing de heavy [work] if he could jus' boss de job. So de Lawd done all he ast Him and he went on back home—and right off he started tuh bossin' de woman uh-round.
So de woman didn’t lak dat a-tall. So she went up tuh God and ast Him how come He give man all de power and didn’t leave her none. So He tole her, “You never ast Me for none. I thought you was satisfied.”
She says, “Well, I ain’t, wid de man bossin' me round lak he took tuh doin' since you give him all de power. I wants half uh his power. Take it away and give it tuh me.”
De Lawd shook His head. He tole her, “I never takes nothin' back after I done give it out. It’s too bad since you don’t like it, but you shoulda come up wid him, then I woulda ‘vided it half and half.”
De woman was so mad she left dere spittin’ lak a cat. She went straight tuh de devil. He tole her: “I’ll tell you whut to do. You go right back up tuh God and ast Him tuh give you dat bunch uh keys hangin' by de mantle shelf, den bring ‘em here tuh me and I’ll tell you whut to do wid ‘em, and you kin have mo’ power than man.”
So she did and God give ‘em tuh her thout uh word and she took ‘em back tuh de devil. They was three keys on dat ring. So de devil tole her whut they was. One was de key to de bedroom and one was de key to de cradle and de other was de kitchen key. He tole her not tuh go home and start no fuss, jus’ take de keys and lock up everything an’ wait till de man come in—and she could have her way. So she did. De man tried tuh ack stubborn at first. But he couldn’t git no peace in de bed and nothin’ tuh eat, an' he couldn’t make no generations tuh follow him unless he use his power tuh suit de woman. It wasn’t doin' him no good tuh have de power cause she wouldn’t let ‘im use it lak he wanted tuh. So he tried tuh dicker wid her. He said he’d give her half de power if she would let him keep de keys half de time.
De devil popped right up and tole her naw, jus’ keep whut she got and let him keep whut he got. So de man went back up tuh God, but He tole him Jus' lak he done de woman.
So he ast God jus' tuh give him part de key tuh de cradle so’s he could know and be sure who was de father of chillun, but God shook His head and tole him: “You have tuh ast de woman and take her word. She got de keys and I never take back whut I give out.”
So de man come on back and done lak de woman tole him for de sake of peace in de bed. And thass how come women got de power over mens today.
—Old Man Drummond.
God done pretty good when He made man, but He could have made us a lot more convenient. For instance: we only got eyes in de front uh our heads—we need some in de back, too, so nuthin' can’t slip upon us. Nuther thing: it would be handy, too, ef we had one right on de end uv our dog finger (first finger). Den we could jest point dat eye any which way. Nuther thing: our mouths oughter be on top uv our heads ‘stead uh right in front. Then, when I’m late tuh work I kin just throw my breakfast in my hat, an’ put my hat on my head, an' eat my breakfast as I go on tuh work. Now, ain’t dat reasonable, Miss? Besides, mouths ain’t so pretty nohow.
—George Brown.
One day Christ wuz going along wid His disciples an' He tole ‘em all tuh pick up uh rock an’ bring it along. All of ‘em got one, but Peter…
The above is excerpted from “Every Tongue Got to Confess” by Zora Neale Hurston. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced without written permission from HarperCollins Publishers, 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022